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The administrative framework of the Department of Environment consists of the General Assembly, the Administrative Council, the Department Head, and the General Assembly of each department sector and its Director. Teaching and research in the Department of Environment is divided into four sectors:
The General Assembly (G.A.) of the Department is composed of the teaching and research staff (faculty), delegates of undergraduate students equal to 50% of the faculty members, and delegates of graduate students equal to 15% of the faculty members. In addition, delegates equal to 5% of the faculty members of the following categories are also members of the G.A.: a) members of Specialized Research and Teaching Staff (SRTS) b) members of Specialized Technical Staff (STS) and c) non-teaching and scientific assistants. The General Assembly is responsible for: a) Supervising the Department’s general operation and the observance of pertinent laws and internal regulations. b) Defining the general teaching and research policy of the Department, the planning and strategy of its progress and promotion and the regular review of its activities in the framework of the general decisions of the University’s Senate. c) Formulating recommendations for organizing a university school, for renaming, combining, partitioning or abolishing the Department and for establishing, abolishing, partitioning, renaming or combining department sectors or laboratories. d) Allocating laboratories, equipment and staff to the sectors upon recommendation of the sectors’ General Assembly. e) Allotting funding to teaching, research and other activities of the Department. f) Planning and announcing vacancies for new faculty members and appointing selection committee members. g) Inviting visiting scholars and announcing vacancies for authorized teaching faculty and expert scientists. h) Organizing and revising the program of studies and determining the areas of specialization of the undergraduate program. i) Forming committees for graduate studies. j) Assuming responsibility for the Administrative Council’s (A.C.) actions, at times that it is not operable. k) Drawing up the Department’s internal regulations which must concur with the general regulations of the University. l) Compiling the Department’s yearly activities and transmitting them to the Senate. m) Awarding honorary degree titles. n) Assigning sector directors, when there are no nominations. o) Allotting responsibilities to the Administrative Council or to other bodies of the department and to the Studies Committee.
The Administrative Council (A.C.) of a department becomes operable when a department has at least three sectors. In case a department does not meet this requirement, the Administrative Councils’ responsibilities are assumed by the department’s G.A. The establishment of at least three sectors is required in a department when the number of faculty members is over 21. The Administrative Council of the Department consists of the Department Head, the Deputy Department Head, the sectors directors, two delegates of the undergraduate student body and a delegate from the graduate student body. One delegate of SRTS or STS members or non-teaching or scientific assistants participates when issues concerning them are discussed. The Administrative Council is responsible for the supervision and execution of the G.A.’s decisions, the efficient operation of all departmental procedures and the observance of all pertinent university laws and regulations. The A.C. is also responsible for anything that has not been specifically assigned by pertinent legislation to another body.
A special voting assembly elects the Department Head for a two-year term. The special voting assembly consists of all faculty members, delegates of the students equal to 80% of the faculty members and delegates equal to 5% of the faculty members from the following categories: a) members of Specialized Research and Teaching Staff (SRTS) b) members of Specialized Technical Staff (STS), c) members of graduate students and d) non-teaching and scientific assistants, with the restriction that the number of delegates from each category does not exceed half of the total number of its members. The Department Head has the following responsibilities: a) Assembling the G.A. and the A.C., organizing their agendas and presiding over them. b) Recommending responsibilities for the G.A. c) Keeping records of scientific activities of all faculty members. d) Making certain that all G.A. and A.C. decisions are implemented. e) Forming committees for researching or completing specific tasks and directing the administrative services of the Department.
The General Assembly of the Department’s Sectors is composed of all faculty members of each sector, delegates of the sector’s undergraduate students (equal to 30% of the faculty members with minimum 2 and maximum 5 students) and one graduate student of the sector. The sector’s General Assembly has the following responsibilities: a) Electing the sector’s Director. b) Co-ordinating the sector’s work in the framework of the Department’s G.A. decisions. c) Making proposals to the G.A. relative to the program of studies. d) Allocating the sector’s financial resources to teaching and research activities. e) Assigning directors to the sector’s research laboratories. f) Deciding on the allocation of teaching loads to the sector’s faculty members.
The Sector Director is elected by the General Assembly of the sector. The Director is responsible for assembling the sector’s G.A., organizing its agenda, presiding over it and implementing its decisions. Moreover, the Director and the Department Head are authorized and responsible for assuring that all its faculty members keep to their legal work-time requirements and all other assignments within the Department.
For the academic years 2006-2008, Professor Kostas P. Halvadakis has been elected Department Head and Associate Professor Dias Haralambopoulos is the Deputy Department Head.
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