At a time of deeper understanding of the relationship between
the different forms of waste and when special importance is
given to the relationship between natural resources and waste
the WASTE MANAGEMENT LABORATORY (WML), an integral part of
the Department of Environmental Studies, focuses its teaching
activity and research on Integrated Waste Management Systems.
The WML's activity focuses mainly on the selection and organisation
of resources and waste management systems within a single
geographic area (Municipality, Prefecture, Island etc.) rather
than on developing waste treatment technologies.
Given the University's insular nature/character, the WML's
research interests focus largely on islands.
Natural resources are limited in quantity on islands and therefore
there is a greater need for integrated approaches to waste
management since the latter is often identified as natural
resource management problem.
The parameters that characterise management systems on islands
are small scale settlements, seasonal fluctuation of the population
(and therefore pressure) and the organisational weaknesses
that the Local Self-Government Authorities have manifested
with regard to the operation of waste management systems.